


Decalcification is the technique used to eliminate the presence of calcium and magnesium in water, which is responsible for calcium deposits causing breakdowns, reducing performance and increasing the energy consumption of domestic and industrial water systems.

Softeners convert hard water into soft water using an ion exchange resin which replaces the calcium and magnesium ions present in hard water with sodium ions.The sodium required for this exchange provides the brine, obtained by dissolving salt in water.

Enisal‘s product range ensures the highest purity and quality of the brine’s sodium chloride, thus avoiding lime deposits and improving energy consumption and the service life of all equipment.

Salt Electrolysis

Saline electrolysis is a process that uses salt to chlorinate swimming pool water. This system uses a small electrical current to decompose the salt in chlorine and sodium hydroxide, resulting in totally disinfected and slightly salty water, without the usual problems associated with a chemical chlorination system.

Besides the health advantages of obtaining antiseptic water, saline electrolysis is also a more sustainable, safe and economical system, because water can be stored for years, no chemicals are handled and Enisal is an affordable product.


Most dishwashers use salt, incorporating a little water softener to soften the water used during the washing process. Enisal’s product range improves washing results and increases the cleaning capability, and prevents the lime build up inside the machine that reduces its life.


The purification filter is the system in charge of cleaning and purifying the pool water. An electric pump is used to suck the pool water through the skimmers and the drain. Once inside the purifier, it passes through a sand or glass filter media deposit, where the dirt particles get trapped before the water returns to the pool.